Square Pitch Deck (Block Inc) That Raised $200 Million

Square Pitch Deck

The Square Pitch Deck in PDF

I don’t know about you, but whenever a website keeps teasing a download for a long time, I get bored. So here’s the square pitch deck in PDF if you are looking for it.

This Square Pitch Deck in Action

Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter created Square because it was quite a need back then. I’m sure you get frustrated when some shops tell you that they only accept cash. Even though this is quite scarce nowadays, it used to be a problem.

Square was one of the companies that aimed to resolve that. They raised tons of money, rebranded to Block, and went public. Their stock had quite a rollercoaster of price fluctuations. This deck was one of the first decks of Square that raised over $200 million and transformed the company into what it is today.

A real content template of a company that is inspired by Square.

I had an idea – What if you, the reader, are thinking of starting a fintech startup similar to Square? Then you might need a pitch deck like this one to learn from. What I did is, I took it a step further. The below real-content template aims to deliver a deck to a company with the same business model as a FinTech company but with an imaginary detail (logo, name, etc)

You can use this template for your own FinTech startup or just to explore the idea.

Meet The Author Of This Article

Al Anany

FinTech has always been one of my most interesting topics. Some people target space as a market while others make billions out of a simple financial transaction.

Oh, and check out more real content templates like this one from here.