Business Reads
I Learned Entrepreneurship in High School, But I Didn’t Know It.
School Taught Me to Think Like a Boss (Even Though I Didn’t Know It Yet) Entrepreneurs don’t really just study entrepreneurship. The truth is most entrepreneurs did not study entrepreneurship in college. They did not study entrepreneurship in high school, but I personally learned entrepreneurship in high school without actually knowing it. How did that…
How Your Business Card Should Look – Google Docs Template
The World of Business Cards We’ve crafted quite the simple, free, and perfect business card template in google docs. It’s at the bottom of this article. But you need to understand much more about business cards and their psychology. So you know what business cards are, and the whole world has been using business cards…
Financial Model Template To Ace Accounting For Startups.
Accounting For Startups – For Dummies. I’ve been consulting startups for 12 years now. Let’s start with the easy part when it comes to accounting for startups. In some places around the world, if you’re running a startup, the law asks you to keep track of your numbers and report them. That’s accounting for you. But…
AI-Generated Business Plan – The Proper Tools To Use & Things To Know From A Consultant
Tome, Grammarly, LivePlan, ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and some other tools analysed to create an AI generated business plan properly.
AI-Generated Pitch Deck – Most Accurate Tools (By A Consultant)
PS. This is a long guide, navigate through the table of contents above to the sections that interest you. In the super accelerated world of startups and venture capital, the ability to capture an investor’s attention quickly is crucial. With over a decade of experience in consulting across various stages of company growth, I’ve seen…
My Friend Created An Exceptional Wooden Piece
So, my friend made us an exceptional wooden piece for our home through her new wood-making business. So what? What is all this fuss about? Well, let me tell you. I saw my friend starting her own wood-making business from scratch, and I want to talk to you about it. Who am I to chat…
Saving Your Jewelry Business in 2024
I recently met with one of my old college friends who started her own jewelry business very early. Her business was really unique because of her very differentiated designs. However, the story she was telling me about her business when we met years later was not that bright. Her designs got stolen by another jewelry…
The One On Opening A Kids’ Zone Business
A couple of weeks ago, I was so motivated to write about a series of unfortunate events in a kids’ zone business that I visited. Today, I will be telling you about an opposite experience that made me believe once more in this business. However, I am not addressing opening a kids’ zone business with…
Common Mistakes In Food Businesses [2024]
Many people have had the food business idea. I myself wanted to start my own food truck business one day since I witnessed how they grew and made revenues (if planned right, of course). Not only this, I had the opportunity to manage one of the organizations that were planning to start a profitable gig…
The Rise of the Kids’ Amusement Park Business
I will not tell you about this specific business if I haven’t encountered a recent incident with a related one myself. However, I am not addressing the kids’ amusement park business with a personal note or from a customer’s perspective only. I will tell you more about this business from the entrepreneur’s point of view.…
Reasons Why Some Fail In Leading A Grant
If you are not a frequent reader of my work, then let me tell you what I do for a living. I am a grant/project manager in one of the international non-governmental organizations. Typically, a normal day for me will basically include managing the work I need to complete for the projects I am in…
The Rise And Fall Of A Social Incubation Business
If you are not a frequent reader of my work, then let me tell you what I do for a living. Currently, I am working in one of the big international organizations promoting social entrepreneurship. I meet with many leaders who own a social incubation business as part of my work. I have seen many…