If I had a penny each time a client told me they wanted a Template for a Cannabis business plan, It probably wouldn’t have made that much difference. What’s a penny worth anyway these days?
Cannabis as an industry has been growing for a very long time. Hence, the business world is also taking it to the next level. There are dispensaries with a simple business model of sales. Alternatively, there are CBD products that help with all sorts of human problems. Hence, the applications are quite various. If you’re looking for the perfect Cannabis business plan template, I’ve drafted and designed one for you right here.
The Cannabis Business Plan Template
I’m actually very impressed with our designers. Let me show you a few pictures before sharing with you the access link. We’re designing a concept called the RCTs (Real Content Templates) that are as authentic as it gets. This is one of the pilot projects, the cannabis business plan template.
You’ll notice that it’s not only a business plan template. It’s an actual business plan of an imaginary Cannabis company. We’ve chosen the name “Green Peak.” for this RCT.
Alright, enough with the teasing. We’ll do two things. Firstly, I’ll discuss with you the structure of it and guide you through it. Secondly, I’ll share with you the download link so that you can access the template directly in google docs. If you’re in a rush, just hop to the bottom, and you’ll see a button.
The Structure of the Cannabis Business Plan Template
Executive Summary of Green Peak (Cannabis Business)
The first thing you ought to do is summarize every possible information that you deem vital. This is done in this section that you should write at the end. As per the RCT, we’ve mentioned everything about Green Peak in this section.
We’ve only put a pie chart. Feel free to add further graphs and charts. It usually gives out a good first impression.
Just as a friendly reminder, Green Peak is an imaginary company.
The Cannabis Market
This is your initial weapon and one that is your best in this discussion. The Cannabis market has been showing impressive growth. This is one of the best cards you can show the investor or the reader of this document.
Some companies operate in the food and beverages industry, which is amazing. But it does not have trending growth. We’ve been eating out our whole lives, and that won’t change. Yet, the medical advances in cannabis are causing growth that’s worth looking into.
Green Peak – Cannabis Company Information
Once you have done both of these, now it’s time that you showcase what your company is all about. We stated facts about how Green Peak works. This is part of your story that you need to pitch the way you deem perfect. So feel free to alter it based on your founding story and vision.
Immediately after that, you need to explain to the investor or reader how you do things. If this person is willing to invest, then don’t wait for them to ask that question. Show them around your office with the power of words.
Put a face to this whole conversation. VCs usually invest in teams before projects. That’s why most backed startups consist of two or three founders. Unity creates power. Hence, showcase your team and how everyone does what they do.
Feel free to showcase your organizational structure and your teams’ experiences.
This is an optional element. It highly depends on who you’re showing this to. If it’s being displayed to your father, I don’t think it’s necessary.
Yet, if it’s to a bank or an investor, then showcasing your legal structure is the right thing to do. Your objective in this whole plan is to answer their questions. They will most definitely have legal questions about your company structure. So spare everyone time.
The cannabis industry, in specific, has various legal aspects depending on the geographical location. So showcase that you are fully aware of that.
It’s critical that you showcase what you’ve done and what you’re planning to do. Tell the reader your quarterly achievements and what your vision is. Imagine if you were thinking the same thing your investor is thinking. This could lead to a deal that’s closed just by looking at this section.
What’s your plan for entering the market? There must be some creative way you’re intending to penetrate the cannabis market. This is where you share ideas that are to be discussed post-reading.
Whether you have traction or not, showing your financial projections in the cannabis industry is crucial. You need to show your costs and projected revenue. In the template, you’ll find a google sheet attached that is more than enough to display those numbers.
Finally, don’t forget to leave your email or number. The worst thing that could happen is that the investor wouldn’t be able to reach you.
The Cannabis Business Plan Template in Google Docs
As promised, you’ll need to click on the button below, then go to “File” and select “Make a copy”, and it’s all yours.
Meet The Author Of This Article
I’m Al Anany, the founder and CEO of Albusi.
Industries like the cannabis industry fascinate me. They always hit the world by surprise. Similar to this industry, the cryptocurrency industry also shocked the world.
The real question is, “What will happen next in this cannabis industry?”
We can only wait and watch.