Slidego or Slidesgo as an AI tool is cool. We think it has a lot of use cases, but there are other alternatives you also have to look into before deciding on moving with Slide.go.
Comparing Slidego with Beautiful.ai
The first alternative that we would like you to look at and compare with your output from Slide.go is Beautiful.ai. We believe that this company has enough funding to grow into something that is creating tangible products. Presentation has always been and will always be a matter of preference. Some people like minimalist presentations, while others like complex graphics and so on and so forth. Slide.go, Beautiful.ai, and all these companies or startups rely on artificial intelligence tools, but they don’t really know what you are all about. This is particularly why, when it comes to Slide.go or other similar companies, you really need to give them as much data as possible. You need to give them not a single piece of information, but a lot of information about your company in order to actually get a product that is of value.
Microsoft Copilot & PowerPoint Integration as Slidego Alternatives
Another Slide.go alternative is Microsoft Copilot, and we think that their integration with PowerPoint allows you to actually access a variety of elements. Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool we love, and we think it’s one of the most powerful tools in presentation design. That’s why it has a lot of templates out there in the world, and because of the fact that it has a lot of templates, it has the potential to become a competitor that you have to look into. It’s not only about Copilot; it’s about you finding the perfect template for your company, your psychology, and everything around that, and then implementing it, allowing Copilot to just make the modifications for you.
Google Slides and Gemini for Enhancements
Google Slides with Gemini: We also think that Google Slides is good. It’s not better than Microsoft PowerPoint, but it is good enough for you to actually buy some templates online and use Gemini to just enhance the output of this presentation. The thing about Gemini and Copilot is that they are going to keep improving over time. This is what gives them an advantage when it comes to content creation or presentation writing compared to Slide.go. If I had to bet, I’d say that Slide.go is using algorithms from OpenAI and so on. OpenAI does have good algorithms, but the core concept of slides is a mix of both design and content, which gives almost all companies an edge, but not the full picture.
The Importance of Storytelling in Presentations
Finally, a few comments or thoughts that we would like to give you as we operate in the field of presentation design 24/7: Presentations or slides are mostly about the story behind them. We say that often, and we keep and will keep saying it – a good slide presentation is only as good as the story that it’s trying to tell. Companies like Slide.go and Beautiful.ai are trying to create the best storyboard out there, but this is mostly done not even by AI tools, but by humans. And that’s why you should always incorporate, partially, the human aspect or your team’s aspect of creating slides before getting into tools like Slide.go.