
Pitch Decks

Investment and Pitch decks that could take your business from zero to a unicorn. Explore some famous ones like Uber, Airbnb, etc…

Some of our freelancers created hundreds of pitch decks that helped startups raise good investments. We asked them about the secret ingredient of creating the perfect pitch deck, and they created this section of Albusi.

So, what is a Pitch Deck? A pitch deck is a presentation used to sell an idea and get investors on board.

You can use it early in fundraising before you have a fully formed business plan.

Additionally, it’s also used in later fundraising stages as a tool to pitch investors on your business. A pitch deck should include what you do, how you plan to make money, and why it is a good investment opportunity.

Airbnb Pitch deck and the Uber Pitch deck are a couple of the most known pitch decks.

Why You Need a Pitch Deck? You need a pitch deck because it helps investors see how your business will work. It helps them understand your business model and how you plan to make money.

The best pitch decks are simple, clear, and easy to understand. They don’t just tell people what you do, but why it is important. The best way to create a pitch deck is by using free online templates.

Hence, there are many different types of pitch decks that you can use. You should tailor your pitch to the type of investors who will be looking at it.


Pitch Decks

Investment and Pitch decks that could take your business from zero to a unicorn. Explore some famous ones like Uber, Airbnb, etc…

Some of our freelancers created hundreds of pitch decks that helped startups raise good investments. We asked them about the secret ingredient of creating the perfect pitch deck, and they created this section of Albusi.

So, what is a Pitch Deck? A pitch deck is a presentation used to sell an idea and get investors on board.

You can use it early in fundraising before you have a fully formed business plan.

Additionally, it’s also used in later fundraising stages as a tool to pitch investors on your business. A pitch deck should include what you do, how you plan to make money, and why it is a good investment opportunity.

Airbnb Pitch deck and the Uber Pitch deck are a couple of the most known pitch decks.

Why You Need a Pitch Deck? You need a pitch deck because it helps investors see how your business will work. It helps them understand your business model and how you plan to make money.

The best pitch decks are simple, clear, and easy to understand. They don’t just tell people what you do, but why it is important. The best way to create a pitch deck is by using free online templates.

Hence, there are many different types of pitch decks that you can use. You should tailor your pitch to the type of investors who will be looking at it.